AUGUSTA, Ga. (WFXG) - Government officials and top employers made their way into Augusta today to attend the Augusta National Masters Tournament and support growth through investments. This annual Red Carpet Tour brings many government officials and CEO’s together to boost economic growth to the peach state.

“It's a great way to showcase the state, but also the region for new employers coming to town and also as a thank you to existing employers that have made huge investments in the region,” said Dennis Trotter, with Jordan Trotter Commercial Real Estate.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, CSRA mayors, and government officials across the CSRA were in attendance Thursday morning.

The annual tour has led to 15,000 Georgia jobs and employers investing roughly 3.2 billion dollars into the state's economy since the beginning of the tour in 1959. 

Growth across the CSRA is expected to continue. 

“We've got all the conditions right for continued growth. We've got a great employment base and great job activity here. We've got good roads, houses, schools and infrastructure that we can all get behind. And we think the growth will continue on,” said Trotter.

According to the Augusta Economic Development Authority website, Augusta is still in “growth mode” with both population and jobs increasing every year. This event takes place during the week when the economy is at its peak with the golf tournament. 

“Our city is beautiful this week of the year and it would be silly of us to not utilize what we have with the golf tournament to entertain these folks and secure their investment for years to come,” said Trotter.

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