
Saluting our Heroes: SFC. Victor Guerrero

Sunday, October 22nd 2023, 5:53 PM EDT

FORT GORDON, Ga. - A soldier started his Army story wanting to better himself and give better to his family. Now, he wants to give back to others getting their start.

"Being in the military is exactly what it is – it’s a service to others, and I really do enjoy being able to serve others in different ways," said Sergeant First Class Victor Guerrero, Training Support Branch, "Just…Joining the Army provided me an opportunity to do something more for my family and just people in general.”

He serves an essential role to a branch on post.

"If there’s not someone making sure the correct equipment, the right supplies and the right things are in place for the instructors that teach here on Fort Eisenhower basically, the instructors won’t be able to properly instruct the new soldiers coming in." explained SFC. Guerrero. 

It's an opportunity giving him opportunities he never thought he’d have.

"I was originally from New York City, and honestly I thought that’s the only place I’d ever see. But, joining the Army, we’re able to travel to places like Texas, we were able to actually go to pcs to Japan...It shows my kids that basically the can accomplish anything." said SFC. Guerrero. 

Now, he wants to pour back into other soldiers starting the same journey he did.

"Whether it just being soldiers, or non-commissioned officers in the Army, I really enjoy mentoring other people to kind of try to succeed as well.” said SFC. Guerrero. 

FOX54 salutes Sergeant First Class Victor Guerrero.

"Try to soak up every moment that you can – never second guess yourself.”