AUGUSTA, Ga. (WFXG) - Prom night is often called one of the biggest nights of your high school years. With those great memories, it can also come with danger. 

Prom season is in full swing across the United States and in the CSRA. Ahead of all the festivities, it's important to stay safe.  

Over the past couple of months, excited high school students have been visiting local dress and suit shops to pick out the perfect attire for prom. 

While stopping by multiple stores, FOX54 found Aden Petrsen, a student at Fox Creek High who was picking up his suit for prom. 

"Just going to have a good time really. But that is what most people go to prom for, just to have a really good time," Petrsen explained. 

Petrsen picked up his suit from International Formal Wear on Wrightsboro Road.

"We have seen a lot of people come in and out of here since the beginning of the year," owner Henry Ingram said.

While preparing for a night of fun with friends, there are some things students should keep in mind. FOX54 spoke with Captain Danny Whitehead with Richmond County Sheriff's Office about ways to stay safe on prom night.

"Obey the speed limit and make sure that everybody is wearing their seat belts," Captain Whitehead said. 

Petrsen said he knows the importance of following the rules and regulations of the road. 

"Don't text and drive," Petrsen said. 

Columbia County Sheriff's Office has been preparing students in their area as well. Major Steve Morris shared a few tips to keep in mind. 

- Decide on a curfew that is equal to your teenager's level of responsibility

- Express your trust in them while discussing the dangers they might encounter

- Be sure your teenager has a fully charged cellphone in the car.

- Keep track of their whereabouts

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