FORT EISENHOWER, Ga. (WFXG) - The “Hiring our Heroes” event on Fort Eisenhower wasn't just for Veteran Soldiers, but this event in particular specifically targeted military spouses. 

It's an opportunity for them to get a foot in the door to companies around the area… and companies that they can work for across the United States. 

“They have a lot of skill sets and portable skill sets, and so it's important that we bring employees out here so we can connect their skill sets with the employer that makes our entire community better,” Jervis Blanding, Fort Eisenhower Community Service.

Military spouses face one of the most difficult challenges with moving from across the county to finding new careers. 

“Military spouses are some of the most talented candidates that we have seen. They manage households, are essentially logistics operators for their homes. They wear so many different hats… and I saw that through my mom,” said Alayna Robbins, Senior Programs Manager for Hiring Our Heroes. 

And many military spouses attended the job fair. 

“It's the Military's way of acknowledging the hard work of military spouses. How they are valued and cherished and loved. And legitimately part of their soldiers' success story,” said Nomi Stanton.

A couple businesses, including Boeing, Penske, Comcast and Wells Fargo spoke at the event and expressed how military spouses bring something special to the table.

“Compared to the rest of the civilian population, it is an extremely educated and motivated population, and we can find Military talent that wants to work everywhere and anywhere,” said Michael Larkin, Wells Fargo Veteran Representative. 

The program offered professional head shots, resume review, scheduling interviews and more.

“There's an opportunity to not just find out about positions but also to network and get your name out there and get a little information about who might be hiring in your area.” Jessica Zieran, military spouse.

Reginald Evans, Garrison Commander on Fort Eisenhower said “Hiring Our Heroes'' plans to offer more help to military families throughout the year. Especially with the good turn out.

“We have a number of hiring fairs throughout the year. This is the one where we say “spouses.” And today if they didn't feel like they were on a pedestal, I guarantee you they did. You should have seen the smiles in our opening ceremonies,” said Garrison Commander Evans. 

If you are interested in attending more events in the future, visit this website for more information.